While having a little conversation about grind over on the twits, there was an interesting conclusion that kind of made me think. They were saying that overt grind like I seem to enjoy isn’t really for them as that is much of what there job entails automating a lot of things to avoid such stuff. It makes sense to want to avoid a similar feeling in games that you would experience at work.
For me that whole, meditative grind makes sense as in childcare your day is basically semi-organises chaos. Constant alertness and action so when I get home I often want something more relaxed and well…grindy. There is often an hour there were I remain totally antisocial as I just don’t feel like conversation or interaction. My brain and body need time to rest.
There is probably more to it than just a straight negativity be correlation. I’m more introverted and so a day of high social energy means I need to unwind afterwards. But then, my intuitive feeling leaning means I still don’t mind looking after, or at least helping others in my play.
Just a random thing I thought was funny and Question Time – does your work reflect on your play style. Similar or Opposite.